Friday, September 25, 2009

Bart Gordon Thinks His Constituents Are Dumb Hicks

Barton Gordon, my US Congressman, was just quoted in Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper, as follows: "[T]here was a 'cultural issue' that came into play in last year's presidential election. Obama 'seemed to be too urbane' for 6th district voters, Gordon said. 'If you're from some of those small counties, [Obama was] some guy from Chicago that speaks differently than you.' Gordon acknowledged that racism was also a factor in Obama's performance in the district. 'Unfortunately, there was probably a little bit of that, but it was more just being urbane,' Gordon said."

So, in other words, Obama was just too sophisticated and polished for us Tennessee hicks to understand him. It apparently never crossed the Congressman's mind that we didn't vote for Obama precisely because we understood him and didn't want a lying, socialist in the White House.  Based on what's happened since he took office, I think our concerns were well-founded.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Main Stream Media Must Be Suicidal

It just boggles the mind.  Why are the MSM such willing patsies for the Libs when even my cat knows that socialist and communist countries are not known for either free press or free speech.  Yet the MSM fall all over themselves to support politicians that try very hard to muzzle anyone who disagrees with them.  How can any reasonably intelligent person not see where that is headed? 

I am similarly puzzled by "intellectuals" who talk up communist principles.  I mean, HELLO, do you not realize that the reason you have the freedom to spout drivel that most people disagree with (and live to do it again tomorrow) is because you DON'T live in a communist country?

Even worse, the MSM is giving Obama a pass on virtually everything.  I am not big on making predictions but I'll make an exception this time.  I predict that, one day, some historian will be writing a book about why and how the MSM ceased being relevant during Obama's administration.  By ignoring, pretending ignorance of, or simply refusing to cover stories that the people identified and shared on their own, the MSM have made themselves irrelevent at best.  At worst, they have become enemies of freedom.