Monday, September 28, 2009

Why Israel Should Tell The US To Stick It

I have never understood why Israel doesn't tell the US to just stick and do what they know is best for their country.  Here they have "neighbors" lobbing rockets over the fence, and carrying out regular terrorist strikes within Israel.  And we always pat them on the back, say "tsk tsk" and urge them to remain calm.  Don't behave rashly.  Puleez.

Can you imagine if Canada were lobbing rockets across the Great Lakes at us and France was telling us not to do anything rash?  I certainly hope we would tell France to stick it where the sun doesn't shine, and start bombing them right back.

I mean, seriously, let's look all the way back to the first Iraq war.  Iraq was shelling Israel just because they could, and poor Israel bit their collective tongues and let us do our thing.  They really had our backs.  And how did we repay them?  We convinced them to let the Palestinians have the Gaza strip.  Which they proceeded to trash. 

If I were Prime Minister Netanyahu, I would tell President Obama to stick it and do what I thought was best for Israel.  They certainly can't be any worse off.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bart Gordon Thinks His Constituents Are Dumb Hicks

Barton Gordon, my US Congressman, was just quoted in Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper, as follows: "[T]here was a 'cultural issue' that came into play in last year's presidential election. Obama 'seemed to be too urbane' for 6th district voters, Gordon said. 'If you're from some of those small counties, [Obama was] some guy from Chicago that speaks differently than you.' Gordon acknowledged that racism was also a factor in Obama's performance in the district. 'Unfortunately, there was probably a little bit of that, but it was more just being urbane,' Gordon said."

So, in other words, Obama was just too sophisticated and polished for us Tennessee hicks to understand him. It apparently never crossed the Congressman's mind that we didn't vote for Obama precisely because we understood him and didn't want a lying, socialist in the White House.  Based on what's happened since he took office, I think our concerns were well-founded.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Main Stream Media Must Be Suicidal

It just boggles the mind.  Why are the MSM such willing patsies for the Libs when even my cat knows that socialist and communist countries are not known for either free press or free speech.  Yet the MSM fall all over themselves to support politicians that try very hard to muzzle anyone who disagrees with them.  How can any reasonably intelligent person not see where that is headed? 

I am similarly puzzled by "intellectuals" who talk up communist principles.  I mean, HELLO, do you not realize that the reason you have the freedom to spout drivel that most people disagree with (and live to do it again tomorrow) is because you DON'T live in a communist country?

Even worse, the MSM is giving Obama a pass on virtually everything.  I am not big on making predictions but I'll make an exception this time.  I predict that, one day, some historian will be writing a book about why and how the MSM ceased being relevant during Obama's administration.  By ignoring, pretending ignorance of, or simply refusing to cover stories that the people identified and shared on their own, the MSM have made themselves irrelevent at best.  At worst, they have become enemies of freedom.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Am NOT A %$*#(%-ing Racist

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired (cue Bill Cosby as I say that - long story) of being called a racist simply because I choose not to be dragged kicking and screaming down the rabbit hole into the Socialist States of America.

What is with the left anyway?  Once you make a point they don't have a good answer for, they immediately start the name calling.  If you don't agree with them you're either stupid, homophobic, a Nazi or a racist.  I'm sure I left some out.

I don't know why the liberals think they are the only ones who get to have a legitimate complaint in this world but it's ridiculous.

Remember what Hillary said/screeched several years ago?  "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic, and we should stand up and say, “WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEBATE AND DISAGREE WITH ANY ADMINISTRATION!""  President Carter must have been building someone a house when she said that.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Why Tom Brokaw Is Evil

I know.  That's a pretty drastic thing to say.  You're probably thinking, okay, he's a member of the Main Stream Media (MSM) and a liberal.  Plus he wrote a great book about the generation that fought WWII.  So evil probably seems a bit far-fetched, eh?  Well, I happen to think it's true.  First, he's a life time member of the Council on Foreign Relations.  He's a globalist.  And if you happened to see his remarks about Van Gray's resignation, that will be the icing on the cake for you.

Forget all of the inappropriate remarks Van Gray has made.  And never mind that Van Gray is an avowed Communist.  All Tom Brokaw cared about (on Meet The Press) is that Van Gray was brought down by bloggers on the internet and warns that we should all be very careful about believing what we hear in that cesspool.  Well, duh.

Of course we should be cautious about what we find on the internet.  And on tv.  And in the newspaper.  And what your neighbor tells you across the fence.  But, guess what.  These days the MSM often doesn't source their information either.  And when was the last time you saw a news report that was "just the facts" and didn't manage to include a single swipe at the conservative point of view.  How about never? 

So let's not throw too many stones shall we, Mr. Brokaw?  I used to respect you but let's just say that your body of work has become a concern.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Is He Or Isn't He?

Okay, I admit that when I first heard the buzz about Obama not being eligible to serve as President, I thought it was 100% hooey.  I really thought someone would have leaked proof early on if he wasn't eligible.  Now?  Let's just say I am becoming convinced that there's a very interesting story there somewhere.

On the one hand, I tell myself that SURELY either party would have to see proof that a candidate for President is constitutionally eligible before they are formally nominated.  I mean, how embarrassing would that be if the candidate wasn't properly vetted and it got out?  Why go to all that trouble to fight and win the election if you know darned well it could all be lost in the blink of an eye?  The party who did something that stupid would probably take decades to recover and it wouldn't hurt my feelings to have the Dems de- fanged for the next 10 or 20 years.

On the other hand, it bothers me that Obama hasn't done anything to put this to rest.  Doesn't he have better things to do with his time and money?  If the rumors are so baseless, why not just whip out the birth certificate and have a big ole belly laugh at the other side's expense?  Call it woman's intuition.  Call it a gut feeling.  Either way, there's something wrong about the fact that he hasn't taken advantage of the opportunity to make his opposition look like idiots.

It particularly bothers me that he's kept all his school records locked away.  I know the Dems will claim there's nothing wrong with that but it's not what we've experienced from other candidates and it's certainly not the transparency we were promised.  And that makes me wonder.  When someone elects not to take the easy way out, when they have plenty of supposedly more important things on their place, then you can bet there's a good reason.

I've heard all sorts of convoluted arguments meant to "prove" that he's not an NBC (natural born citizen, in case you don't follow the lingo) simply because his father was Kenyan.  I'm no lawyer but all of those arguments seem to be based on the law prior to the passage of Title 8, section 1401.  From a laywoman's reading of that passage, he certainly seems to meet the criteria.  Assuming he was born in Hawaii as we've been told.  Bottom line - do I really think he's constitutionally ineligible to hold the office?  That seems really hard to believe. 

But what I am starting to suspect is that perhaps he took advantage of his father being Kenyan to get foreign student scholarships that he really wasn't entitled to.  That would be highly embarrassing now and would certainly provide enormous motivation for keeping all his school records locked away. 

I just hope this is resolved and doesn't become an enduring conspiracy like the JFK assassination.  That's the LAST thing we need.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Do They Really Hear What We Think? Do They Care?

If you've ever called to read your Congressman or Senator the riot act, then you know they always say "I'll be sure to pass that along directly to the Senator/Congressman".  Do you ever wonder if they actually pass your comments along?  I certainly have.

I've called Bart Gordon's office and told his office manager that the Congressman needs to remember that he works for We The People, not Nancy Pelosi.  Now, how many of you think they really passed that jewel along?  I wouldn't bet on it.

Wildly frustrated, back when the worst thing we had to worry about was President Bush's inexplicable refusal to secure our borders, I actually told Senator Frist's office that I couldn't understand why they didn't get the message.  For them to be so oblivious to what we wanted, I opined that they must be either stupid or corrupt, and stupid was starting to drop back to second place.  Not in my wildest dreams do I think they told Senator Frist I said that.

I even faxed Nancy Pelosi and told her she was the un-American one when she stated I had no right to disagree with her.  I'm sure that kept her up nights.

In my view, the polls tell the real story.  Politicians live and die by polls, so I can't believe they are oblivious to their pitiful approval and trust ratings.  Yet, despite clear messages that we aren't happy, they keep moving us toward socialism.  Do they care?  I'm starting to doubt it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Why Isn't CNN Talking About This?

So typical of the left wing.  They claim to be all about rights and freedom.  Yet their Chosen One wants the ability to flip and switch and shut down the internet.

I find it appalling that the President would seek authority that the US does not own or control.  There's no reason such a thing could be helpful - unless you want the ability to stop free speech.  Such a power would be extremely useful for that.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Guarantee It's Not In There

Monday night I raced home from work so hubby and I could attend one of Bart Gordon's Town Hall Meetings. The meeting took place in a theatre on the local college campus.  Very appropriate, I thought, to have a political meeting in a theatre.  But I digress.

We stood in line for quite a while, waiting to get in.  There were 900 seats available and all but 75 were given out on a first come, first served basis.  While we waited in line, I ended up talking to a gentleman in line in front of me.  He was pro-Obamacare and I am most definitely anti-Obamacare.  During the course of the discussion, he tried to tell me that HR3200 would not eliminate private health insurance.  I quoted the portion of the bill that would do just that.

Mr. Pro assured me that was not in the bill.  I asked him if he had read it.  The conversation proceeded something like this:

Mr. Pro: "I guarantee you it's not in there." 
Me: "Have you read it?"
Mr. Pro: "I guarantee you it's not in there."
Me: "Have you read it?"
Mr. Pro:  "I've studied the relevant portions." 
Me: "Have you read it?" 
Mr. Pro: "I've studied it." 
Me:  "So you haven't read it." 
Mr. Pro: "Well no.  But I guarantee you -"
Me: "If you haven't read it, then you can't guarantee me a darned thing, now can you?"

I then pointed out to Mr. Pro that part of my job entails reading contracts.  Not glamorous work, but useful.  I asked what he did.  Are you ready?  Yes, Mr. Pro was a poli-sci professor.  I nearly fell over laughing.  I finally managed something along the lines of "Well, THAT explains alot."  Offended, Mr. Pro asks what I mean.  Me:  "Because you have no idea what life in the real world is like."  Mr. Pro tries to convince me that academia is the real world.  I just managed not to hoot directly into his face but I did tell him he was sadly mistaken and that academia had NO relationship with real life.

I share this conversation with you because I think it's quite interesting that Mr. Pro was so ready to guarantee me something wasn't in a bill that he hadn't read.  And these are the people who want to bring us Obamacare.  I rest my case.

I Am Not UnAmerican Damn-It!

Ok, I am really sick of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid trying to demonize me, and others like me, for not wanting to turn America into the Socialist States of America.  I'm so sick of it that I finally decided I might explode if I didn't get some of it out of my system.

As Hillary screeched in the Senate a few years ago:  "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic, and we should stand up and say, “We are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!” 

Right on Hillary.  Probably the only time you'll hear me say that!

So here I am, starting a blog.  Not that I think the world necessarily needs another blog.  But we can't have too many voices telling the liberals to back the heck off and stop trying to ram socialism down our throats.  Franklin and Jefferson were right:  Those who would trade liberty for security will soon have none and will deserve neither.

It's time to stand up and be counted, before it's too late.  So here we go.